Inglorious Basterds
I'm gonna cut to the chase. This was probably the best movie that I've seen this summer, right after "Funny People." I don't care how sick and twisted and graphic it was (well maybe I do) because this was 150% pure entertainment. But not for the squeamish. This was more graphic and gory than the aforementioned "District 9." Wait, so yeah, its a Quentin Tarantino movie, I would have expected that. But WAIT. The dialogue was wonderfully written, with quirky jokes, awkward jokes, and even cynicism. You'll laugh at the things that aren't supposed to be funny. Also, this movie isn't just all about killing Nazis; there are several plots that are interwoven between each other, and somehow they are all connected (Think about "Sin City", and you'll totally understand).
I'm a sucker for interwoven plots, and even more so for plots twist. This movie had it all, awkward humor, cynicism, and sophistication. Well done Tarantino!
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