You know how everyone told you that this movie was really really good? Well, you should listen to them. This movie was crazyyyyyyy. Besides the fact that I watched it sitting in the second row, I'd warn that this movie might make you nauseous. Its captured in this documentary type dimension with the camera following the characters. So what you get is the wild, ecstatic camera motions when the scene gets intense. That's enough to make someone queasy - I'm still nauseous myself. Anyway, the movie itself is spectacular- aside from all the gore and visuals, the plot is clear and easy to follow. The CGI is amazing, the District 9 Prawns look both gross yet intriguing. The only thing about the plot that's hard to adjust to is the fact that the aliens had been on Earth for 20 years already, giving them time to get acclimated with society: at first it seemed that they had just gotten there, and their already human-like behaviors was confusing to the audience (well at least to me...)
I caught myself laughing at parts that weren't supposed to be funny. That's the sign of a GREAT, great movie.
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