Move out! Really don't know how to feel about it...but let's just say i'll still see my MirkFam yayuhh.
I don't know why I took these in sepia :T
Kobe had an off-game..
gonna miss my door...
the best neighbors in the whole wide world. Honestly they seem like sane, normal people right? Don't judge a book by it's cover because these two have NEVER ceased to amaze me... thanks domo and joaniebaloney!
can't forget this
i stumbled upon my old collection of compass rings. They're rings, but they have compasses on them. It's too bad that I only collect broken compass rings
what i had to deal with
Don't ask why i have this
"Let's get outta this ghetto of Middle Earth we call MIRKWOOD"
ME a cute entrepreneur? I couldn't have said so better myself! :D
Photos courtesy of Amal
Okay. So I had Flexdine dollars left so I decided to throw a Wendy's Chicken Nugget party. What is a chicken party? Well basically, I rolled up to the Wendy's on campus and ordered 16 orders of their 5-piece nuggets. It cost roughly $20...I had $3 left so I gave it to Garebear. I ended up eating 25 nuggets.
The Result?? Let's just say I'm never eating 25 nuggets ever again. All I got from it was food coma and a belly. Uh OH. But i'll def throw another party like this :).
Well, today i'm home-bound. Irvine, I'll see you when I see you.
Safe And Sound - The Rebelution
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