The Guggenheim...
Sorry there weren't pictures allowed in the actual museum...
It's a museum displaying models and architectural blue prints of Frank Lloyd Wright
He was truly ahead of his time (circa 1950s)
It wasn't so interesting :(
Next was the Metropolitan Museum of Art...WAY better!
Alexander Menshikov was MAD permed haha
Salvador Dali
"Madonna" (1958)
"Herakles the Archer"
Seemed like the Louis Vuitton of all suits of armor
Before the 24 inch rims and candy paint jobs...
I don't know what it is but Egyptian stuff is mad interesting to me...
I didn't wanna walk through this...
The dude buried in this one must've been BALLIN, just check out his sarcophagus
Finally Asian artifacts
Twelve-Panel Screen from the Qing Dynasty
Camel and Rider from the Tang Dynasty
Caught this show "Fuerza Bruta" at 7. The fam and I decided not to watch a Broadway show because all the good ones were all sold out :(.
The dude at the ticket place said this was like a fusion of The Blue Man Group, Cirque Soleil and a bunch of other stuff. Having seen both, I was hella disappointed...sure it was "amazing", but sheesh even my mom said that it was some "weird ass shit". hahaha.
Basically you stood for the 70 minute show and had to move around because the audience section was also the stage and vice versa. In the end it became just a big dance party...I hella enjoy watching old people dance !!
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