There were hella families and little kids up in Disneyland and they made it hella crowded. I couldn't help but notice that there were HELLA angry parents and stuff. They be like yelling and stuff at they kids...Isn't Disneyland the "happiest place on earth?". Guess not, cuz I walked past some bopper that said "I fuckin hate this place." I was like dayummm son pump ya brakes. Go ride Dumbo or something and fix that attitude!!! :)
You can follow our path (sorry for the cell phone pics, It woulda been too much work to bring the panasonic):
Notice the light change throughout the pictures: I was at Disneyland from 9am - 10pm...
I think Karen learned how to drive at Autopia... kehehehehe
The Snow White ride was scary as hell. What in the hell is it doing at Disneyland?
Haunted Mansionnn
Indiana can't say that cave shit isn't tightt
Jungle Cruise! Jokes corny as usual ("To your left are some random rocks...but don't take them for GRANITE!"
*The only thing I don't like about Disneyland is that Space Mountain (aka the BEST ride AT Disneyland) is constantly "shut down". That's total BS. We went in the morning at 9AM and they said it was closed. WTF?! The next time we went, my homies were in line, and when bought some grub to try to get in they said it was "shut down". But I told the dude that my friends were up in line already, and he was nice enough to let me through. The faces of all the people staring at me as I went up was PRICELESS. hhahaha.
sorry for the shitty phone pics
STAR TOURS. This black girl got the most fresh hairdo I've ever seen. If you do this with your hair, send me a picture because I think its DOPE as hell
Wasn't too keen on going on Splash Mountain but the photo was classic
dinner- i swear food at Disneyland is like the biggest hustle ever
For the Disneyland know what It's a Small World means...NAP TIME!!
The Roger Rabbit ride is my 2nd fav. but the line is SUCH a joke...
these fruits i call a friends
Tea Cup ride- thank gosh Cons didn't spin that thing...or I woulda lost my dinner
Toad's Wild Adventure was WILD. like woahh
And it got dark...
The fireworks display was TIGHT...minus the babies up on their parents shoulders and that bitchass tree that...both of which covered a clear view of the fireworks...
We were gonna plan to stay till closing, but since we were there at 9am...we were ready to KTFO. ahah GG.
that's all for now, i'm about to crashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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