In this post, I will explain why i got this:
Panasonic Lumix FZ28
Over this:
Nikon D60
Here are numbered reasons why I chose the Panasonic:
1. Price. I got the Lumix for $255 shipped to my house. Word?? Damn Straight. Don't get me wrong, I DID look long and hard for a D60 which was decently priced, but the ones I found online that actually touched the price range of the Lumix were either refurbished or just included the DSLR itself (no lenses included).
2. Performance. This one's a biggie. Both the Lumix AND the D60 offer 10 Megapixels, which is quite an upgrade from the digital camera I was using before. The Lumix has 18X Optical Zoom-- the D60 could only dream of that kind of flexibility. Contrary, it has been proven that the D60 produces brighter and slightly more saturated pictures (the clarity), but for at least $250 more, what in the hell do I care for? I'd use that $250 to get more pink boxes :) .
3. Size. I don't have much explaining to do here. Just look at the pictures above! The Lumix is SO compact. Whats more?? I DON'T HAVE TO BUY LENSES. Sure, I must admit there are some really cool lenses out there to mess around with, but, I'm not going to shell out more money for them.
4. Technology. The Panasonic Lumix comes with the Optical Image Stabilizer (O.I.S.). Basically, the Lumix has it and the D60 doesn't. What in the hell is it, though? Let's just say that it helps me out? Why? Because I have some shaky hands. It stabilizes the images for me. Less Blurry photos = win.
5. HD VIDEO. The Nikon GOT NUTHIN ON THIS. I can record now in HD (which is ANOTHER big upgrade). Not only that, I can ZOOM IN AND OUT while recording, and not get a murky picture.
So there you have it. I'm not trying to hate on the D60 because believe me: a Nikon will always be a Nikon no matter what. It's been around for over 50 years so they gotta be doing something right. I just chose to go Panasonic this time. Perhaps in the future I'll give a D60 or D90 a shot (WAY in the future haha).
props to Travelfeeder for the pictures above and for assisting me in my choice!
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