Those are 8 things you would have heard and learned about if you went to a free lecture by Johnny Cupcakes himself. It originally started at 7 PM, but me being me, I didn't know that it was yesterday, so I rushed over there at about 8 something. Good thing I did. I learned a LOT. His talk was very motivational; it really reinforced the reason why I'm apart of Effobe: simply because I'm passionate about it. Oh yeah, and Bobby and Ben Hundreds even made it out there. It was cool seeing them there too!
For Johnny, an (almost) 27 year old college dropout, rock band member (he was signed to a label at one point), and owner of the multi-million dollar business Johnny Cupcakes, this is just a mere hobby of his. I extremely respect the fact that he does this out of true passion. I realized that we both had many things in common, and thus I was captivated from the beginning I stepped into PCB 1100. The fact that his company has NOT been majorly hit from the slumming economy is amazing: his strong fan base has enabled him to continue creating products because his fans know EXACTLY what they're getting (a quality product) so they are still willing to dish out $35 or so per shirt. The limited factor and individual numbering of certain shirt designs also do not hinder a complete sellout of that design. He said something like this: "If I made it this far with cupcakes, I bet you could come up with a better design".
Johnny Cupcakes has gone above and beyond what other brands in this businesses have done: by making little trinkets, giving away free cupcakes on random days, and giving away free trips to places. He's also planning on creating his own mini newspaper. Back home in Boston, he even rents out a local theater and shows old movies from his childhood. He loves his job so much that he's willing to give away product or sell his shirts for cheaper just for the sake of getting word across or just because he feels like it (I'm guessing this is evoked by his deep passion). He's also thinking about renting out bakeries and using them for popup shops. Did I mention that he's got enough shirt designs lined up for the NEXT 2 YEARS?! This guy...he's really someone to admire.
Some other things that I found useful/interesting from this lecture:
+ There is barely such thing as luck in this business: hard work and dedication are bigger factors in determining success.
+ Packaging is important!
+ People like things that not everyone has (this idea stays true for me, I don't know about you).
+ Keep things on a personal level. Hell, he even hired his mom! Johnny has attributed his success on the fact that he DOESN'T have contracts with big retailers or boutique shops, for that matter. You can only get them online or at the store.
+ Yelp is actually a SCAM. For $160 a month they are willing to move all your more positive reviews to the top, and to hide the negatives ones...but they hire people to make negative reviews. That's JACKED up.
+ He's a big fan of 90s nickelodeon: Doug, Clarissa Explains it All, Legends of the Hidden Temple, The Secret World of Alex Mack...the list goes on. Talk about wrapped in his childhood!
As I said earlier, this lecture made me feel motivated as to what I do at EFFOBE. Johnny was so real, down to earth, and above all, humble. He's not doing it for the fame, for the fortune, nor for the glory, but he does it because he thoroughly enjoys it. What he's doing now is something that I cannot yet fathom...
My posts wouldn't be complete without pics right?! you betcha
Saved by the Bell? What in the hell? hahaha
shirts were only $20, so you know i HAD to...
Thats all for now....
P.S. The first time I went to JohnnyCupcakes LA, I thought they sold cupcakes... :) my bad