So uh yeah, yesterday night after Shocktoberfest we went to in-n-out to go eat...and at the end of all of it, i got kicked out? Yall been asking me why, so here it is: (I HOPE DOUBLE SHIN DON'T MIND)
al1cepunkass (12:36:13 PM): how'd u get kicked out of innout
nickalew4life (12:38:23 PM): hahah
nickalew4life (12:38:32 PM): the bitchass mexican security guard
nickalew4life (12:38:41 PM): so uh
nickalew4life (12:38:46 PM): like i finished eating
nickalew4life (12:38:58 PM): then i went to go wash my hands
al1cepunkass (12:39:24 PM): and then
nickalew4life (12:39:50 PM): i got out
nickalew4life (12:39:55 PM): and then the dude's like
nickalew4life (12:39:59 PM): "hey you, come with me"
nickalew4life (12:40:03 PM): and i'm like uhhh
al1cepunkass (12:40:05 PM): ... why
nickalew4life (12:40:11 PM): and then we go to the exit door
nickalew4life (12:40:12 PM): and hes like
nickalew4life (12:40:14 PM): "you get out"
nickalew4life (12:40:18 PM): i'm like "why"
nickalew4life (12:40:27 PM): and he's like "because you were in here after we closed"
al1cepunkass (12:40:42 PM): uh ok
nickalew4life (12:40:43 PM): and i'm like "uhhh no, i was friends are over there"
al1cepunkass (12:40:45 PM): whys taht so wrong
nickalew4life (12:40:55 PM): like the doors are locked
nickalew4life (12:41:08 PM): and he was wondering how i got in
al1cepunkass (12:41:16 PM): what a werido
nickalew4life (12:41:22 PM): i know
nickalew4life (12:41:24 PM): i'm like wtf?
nickalew4life (12:41:25 PM): and THEN
nickalew4life (12:41:31 PM): when i was outside
nickalew4life (12:41:34 PM): I called diane
nickalew4life (12:41:45 PM): and she went by the door
nickalew4life (12:41:50 PM): and he was by the door
nickalew4life (12:41:53 PM): and she opens it
al1cepunkass (12:41:55 PM): and then
nickalew4life (12:41:55 PM): and the dude's like
nickalew4life (12:42:00 PM): "are you going out?"
nickalew4life (12:42:02 PM): and shes like
nickalew4life (12:42:12 PM): "no, i'm giving my friend his drink that yhou kicked out"
nickalew4life (12:42:13 PM): and hes like
nickalew4life (12:42:16 PM): ".....oh"
al1cepunkass (12:42:19 PM): ahhahaah
al1cepunkass (12:42:19 PM): i love diane
nickalew4life (12:42:21 PM): MODED
nickalew4life (12:42:25 PM): what a bitch
al1cepunkass (12:42:30 PM): i know
al1cepunkass (12:42:34 PM): shitttttt
nickalew4life (12:42:41 PM): bitchasssssss
al1cepunkass (12:44:03 PM): let's go next time
al1cepunkass (12:44:10 PM): and wait til it cloeses
nickalew4life (12:44:11 PM): and see if it happens
al1cepunkass (12:44:14 PM): and piss him off
nickalew4life (12:44:17 PM): yeah i totally wanna do that
al1cepunkass (12:44:19 PM): i'd go CRAZY
nickalew4life (12:44:20 PM): i think next time
al1cepunkass (12:44:22 PM): im dwon
nickalew4life (12:44:24 PM): i'm gonna throw a fit
al1cepunkass (12:44:27 PM): no one messes wtih nickalew
nickalew4life (12:44:35 PM): srsly yesterday i was like "wtf?"
al1cepunkass (12:44:40 PM): hahah
nickalew4life (12:44:42 PM): i started laughing when i walked out
nickalew4life (12:44:48 PM): i'm like "DAYUMM OKAY"
al1cepunkass (12:44:59 PM): jahaha
al1cepunkass (12:47:44 PM): jfdsklafjl;sak
nickalew4life (12:50:26 PM): A;SDKFAWPEIH
nickalew4life (12:50:29 PM): but yeah
nickalew4life (12:50:37 PM): that was the highlight of my night last night
nickalew4life (12:50:54 PM): when i called diane she was like "wtf? how could that happen"
al1cepunkass (12:51:00 PM): ahahaa
al1cepunkass (12:51:12 PM): i could see diane totally like doggin gand rolling her eyes at the secuirity gard
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