Went up to DunkXchange today up in the city with Kevin, Gabe, and Kyle..
Being my first DXC, it was kind of disappointing, just for the fact that everyone there had really tiny feet. I mean MINIMAL sizes 11+ were sold and bought there. Even though i got rid of my Stussys, I wasn't able to sell any of my supreme caps, bulletproof vans, nor my Stussy X NBHD blazers. ;__;
The title of this blog post sums up pretty much my day...ppl were interested in the bulletproofs, but all them wore like size 9 or 10 or some crap SMH.
unDS !
We took Caltrains
He wore $20 sale shoes to DXC haha
the goods
On the train
We got there at about 2? There was a LONG ass line...and there was a security check. They checked backpacks for outside drinks, weapons, and pencils and pens. Some poor kid got all his school pens/pencils AND his Tide pen confiscated.. the kid had so many pens and stuff that the security dude had to put it in his pocket. Also at the shakedown, Kevin got his first "gay"-encounter. The BLACK security dude was hella hitting on him. It was hilarious. You can ask him all about that shit HAHA. All I remember was "Turn around!" "AND DON'T TURN BACK". funny shit haha.
the line
This guy is a REAL collector (he's also INSANE too)
They threw free stuff from here and Kevin got a shirt! Then someone called him a "Big Ass N!gga", and hurt his feelings.
Train Station to go home
Kevin recreating some lameass tut move some dude did at DXC...it was like some dumb pacman thing.
Kevin does it better haha.
I realized later that the wristband said "WRISTCUTTERS" like wtF?
8 tshirts for $20? thank you Invisible Stripes!
On the train ride back, kyle was hella scared- He lost his ticket, AND a train conductor sat behind him LOL.
Jeffrey's for dinner!
At the end of the day, I came away with some VNDS Puf n Snufs for $35! yay
Btw...check this song out- features what me and kevin call "The Varsity Team" of rappers.
Swagger like us
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